terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2015

Nova pesquisa comparativa sobre educomunicação, entre Brasil e Irlanda

O pesquisador brasileiro Ricardo Castellini acaba de obter uma bolsa de doutorado junto à Escola de Comunicação da Dublin City University. Nos próximos quatro anos Ricardo var ter a oportunidade de realizar uma pesquisa sobre a EDUCOM no Brasil e fazer um estudo comparativo com a Media Education na Irlanda, com o objetivo de propor um programa de estudos sobre mídia e comunicação para as escolas irlandesas. 

Ricardo Castellini foi autor de dissertação de mestrado junto ao Institute of Education da University of London, com o título: "Bringing education and communication together in order to transform the school: the educommunication experience in Brazil and some thoughts on media and cultural studies". A dissertação buscou elucidar as diferenças entre o conceito de “Media Education”, vigente na Europa, e o paradigma presente no termo “Educommunication”, proposto pelo NCE - Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação da USP, no Brasil. Ao final, chegou à conclusão de que a Educomunicação se constitui, efetivamente, num campo diferenciado na interface comunicação/educação, traduzindo, na prática, os princípios que deram suporte aos Estudos Culturais ingleses.

Projeto da tese doutoral

O projeto de estudo com o qual Ricardo ingress na Dublin City University tem como título: "The implementation of Communication and Media Studies in the Irish second-level education: a research on the EDUCOM experience and its applicability in Irish schools".

Segue o Abstract do projeto, para que os leitores possam acompanhar a proposta a ser desenvolvida na Irlanda:

The interface between Education and Communication has recently been one of the most important subjects in educational debates around the world. Usually under the name of Media Education or Media Literacy (Burn and Durran, 2007) – these terms vary according to different regions – it has been supported by many international organizations and it proposes, among other things, the inclusion of communication theories and practices in the school curriculum in order to develop key skills such as creativity, critical analysis, cultural awareness and new literacies. In Ireland, even though attempts to foster Media Education have been a feature of Irish education for over thirty year, the subject still retains a low status within the educational system and communication studies are frequently avoided given the pressure of traditional examination subjects (Barnes et al., 2007). Both the Junior Cycle reform, which will allow schools to have more autonomy to select and design new subjects and short courses; and the Transition Year program, which has regularly served as a laboratory for various educational experiments, offer a good opportunity for the implementation of communication and media programs in the Irish second-level education. In order to start this process, rather than designing the rationale for these programs from scratch, Ireland could benefit from experiences that have achieved a recognized success in this field, such as the EDUCOM program in Brazil. For this reason, this research will look into EDUCOM (a neologism for Educommunication) in order to understand its main concepts and practical achievements, and based on this study the investigation will move forward to the next step where it will look into the Irish second level education in order to propose a pedagogical framework for the implementation of communication programs in Irish Schools.

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